Head Start Schools Here

Sierra Christian hosts Head Start, a state-funded community-based program for low-income families and young children. It is designed to promote school readiness by nurturing and supporting children’s natural physical, social and emotional development. Administered by KidZCommunity, the Loomis program based at Sierra Christian is recognized for offering services that enrich children’s development through self-discovery, extraordinary environments, and healthy, enjoyable experiences.
And it Adds To Our Purpose

Each child receives an individualized educational plan based that reflects on each child’s strengths and needs. Children are provided with the opportunity to participate in activities that support math, science, art, drama, language and culture. Children leave KidZCommunity Head Start prepared for kindergarten, excited about learning, confident in their own abilities and ready to succeed. There are 12 students attending Loomis HeadStart at Sierra Christian. For more information, call, (530) 885-5437.